The great 1

CRank: 0Score: 10430

Xbox got owned plain and simple here!

6438d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Even if that were true, which it's not, it would be a fee to play any games by that company! For a year or for life!

6438d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not on Xbox!

6438d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There not doing a demo because they know the gamesplay sucks proably lol, too bad!

6438d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is also bad news for a PS3 fanboy as well? Because all the Xbots will be on this site talking crap!

6438d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's obvious that this my be true Sonys need for 25gb is greatly exaggerated, but people need to stop bashing Blu-Ray for what it is, it's a good thing!

6438d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is really selfish of MS fanboys, basically Sony has created a super disk here, how can that be a bad thing, but yet all we here is smutty petty hate remarks 2wards it, oh yes i sense jealousy!

6438d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Looser comment, looser comment, you really don't know when you are beat, you sad, sad ms fanboy, what are son of Bill Gates, Peter Moore, i don't know, but you act like it, you can't take it your wrong and that PS3 is better, just face it you are a follower, you buy the newest product; and fall in love with it, i reckon u will dessapear come March 2007; and come back as a Sony fanboy, seeing as there will be no.1! Xbox 360 = Transitional choice!

6438d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

Half of them are beaten by better games on other consoles, or there not interesting, your trying to convince people this is the truth Mart, but it's not, your a hardcore MS die hard fan, who would rather die than buy a PS3, so nobody takes you seriously, btw your getting spammed!

6438d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I here a lot of people saying they wouldn't buy a console if it only had 1 good game, this is why i'm not going to get a 360!

6438d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

This christmas is all about GOW, whoa lol that's so funny because basically that's your own fanboy opinion and if it's not since when do you let game journalists and reviewrs tell you what you should play; and what is good! $ me christmas will have nothing to do with GOW, i don't even fancy this game even if it was on PS3, plain and simple it's a third person shooter with glossy graphics nothing major in the gamesplay department!

6438d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

That's great people want a console this christmas, says who? They will just play there PS2 untill PS3 arrives, who said we needed another console right now anyways? Plus they can only sell them as fast as they make them at best, so there only gonna sell like 1 or 2 more million in Europe at best by March 2007, big deal, Sony will have 2 Million by the end of the year and Mart i can't handle the truth, oh yes i can, i think you cam't handle the truth judging by all the BS you let out, i mean t...

6439d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sorry, i couldn't help notice you have only 1 speech bubble, you moron!

6439d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

If people don't buy your console then what's the point, people are waiting on PS3, this is the truth people, no joke, everyone i ask says when is PS3 out, the fact they don't know when it's out means they don't here all the pros and cons of a console, that's where Sonys E3 2005 came into play nicely, so in a way people who saw that but don't keep up to date with things will be totally amazed by Sony, basically what i'm saying here is sure Xbox is gona sell more this time, but PS3 isin't gonna...

6439d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Amusing! Still he can't be worse than the Mart!

6439d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

No offence, but don't suck up to these clowns, i'm no saint, i don't wish to be however, Mart is the biggest MS fanboy on this site, he acts like he knows everything, which in fact we all know everything he says is fanboy bs, he tries to back himself up on the Xbox 360 has Europe argument by acting like he's the only person from Europe and he knows what we all like best, i'm from Europe and i'm gonna say this Mart, how many Xbox 360's do you think have been sold in Europe? how many will have ...

6439d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

It tells you something when the PS2 is gonna outsell the 360 after 6 years on the market, lol people want PS3, plain and simple!

6440d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I suppose if this was 360 statistics somebody would find a great logic to justify it, saying there's no way it could be wrong then!

6440d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I can't take you serious sorry, that picture of Mario reminds me of a Cartoon, what does we have likes, Mario 201, mabye Yoshi's island 30, i don't know, i like that red steel though that looks, awesome! Wii should actually do well because it basically has a market to it'self which is cool, because it's got a controller which will bring life to gamming and it's more powerfull than the Xbox so that should be no bad! PS3 has loads of great games, it's just idiot MS fanboys making them out to be...

6440d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Sony brand is the best .............................. .............. Basically i asked my friend who sells electronics for a living and i said so which Hd TV make is the best, he said Sony are better than any other HD TV, he said that goodmans make is rubbish and LG, toshiba was nothing in comparrison to Sony, so Sony are the leaders in that market, so if i see idiots saying Sony wouldn't exist without windows, i saty lol, Sony invented DVD, they make the HD TVs ect! Sony no.1 WHY? Games, coo...

6440d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment